
The development of the translation firm along the years, led us to engage and specialize in various fields.


The translation services are executed by means of professional translators, according to professional expertise and specialization of each translator in specific defined fields.


The main area of translation in the firm is legal translation, presenting a central aspect in our day to day operations.


We provide clear and accurate translation of agreements, contracts and other legal instruments, along with litigation and various legal proceedings.


The field of legal translation, however, stretches and covers interfacing areas.


It is most commonly expressed in translations on the capital market, where the legal dexterity ought to be accompanied by professional understanding in the financial field. Such a capability in required in the translation of prospectuses toward the offering of shares on a stock exchange or the translation of various board’s reports, etc.


Medical translation is another interfacing field, mainly in the aspect of medical and insurance claims. The translation ought to present legal capability along with an in-depth knowledge in the specific medical branch involved.


The expertise and specialization of the firm in the area of financial and economic translation is expressed in translations, executed routinely on behalf of accounting firms and business corporations. We provide translation of various financial instruments, such as balances sheets and financial statements, as well as economic reports, due diligence and various reports and valuations.


Advertising translation and marketing translation is a treasured niche that was perfected with the years. This field of translation calls for muse and translational creativity. The translation in this area is better defined as copywriting, rather than a translation per se. The translation is concentrated on the passing on of messages, along with drafting and editing of contents in an attractive fashion.


Within this area, we have performed the translation of hundreds of websites.


Website translation requires a translational work, that manifests professional contents, along with their editing in a pleasant and appealing manner, enticing the reader to stay on the website for long.


The translation practices of the firm includes specialization in scientific and technical areas. We accumulated valuable experience of many many years in scientific translations and technical translations. These capabilities enable us to provide clear, unambiguous translation jobs, which are focused on the intended designation of the document, whether it is a design or a machine book, maintenance guide or manual instructions.


Medical translation is executed at the form by means of professionals in different medical areas, having experience and expertise in specific medical branches.


Notarial translation is part of the legal translation field. Here, certificates and documents are translated in the proper manner, in order to obtain a notarial approval. The firm works with a large number of notaries in various languages, in order to provide a quick and efficient service.


Together with translations within the normal course of business, we offer an option of receiving urgent translations. In this course, the translation of agreements and contracts is carried out within 24 hours. Prospectuses toward the offering of shares on the stock exchange are executed within short time frames.


Similarly, we also offer our specialty in the translation of vast projects, consisting of a large number of separate documents. A team of translators is formed for such a project, headed by a guiding translator, who directs the translation work, assuring quick performance and yet accurate, uniform and seamless.


We also provide verbal translation services, referred to as consecutive translation. This service is usually necessary in court hearings, business meetings and hosting of overseas business guests.


The following are the professional areas of translation, handled by the firm:

Legal translation

Financial  and economic translation

Advertising and marketing translation

Website translation

Scientific and technical translation

Medical translation

Notarial translation

Urgent  translation

Consecutive translation